Nguyen Thanh Trung

<>Web Developer</>

Name: Nguyen Thanh Trung

Birthday: 1996-12-17

Hometown: Kon Tum City, Vietnam

Enthusiastically explore new technologies for efficiency, always looking for ways to solve the problem as efficiently as possible, giving priority simplicity of code.

Work Experience

gumi Vietnam .,JSC

Wand 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

Web Developer

2018 - Present

Most valuable employee 2022

Team size ~20 members


  • Implement and modified Readium LCP Server (GoLang), ReadiumJS from Readium Foundation
  • Design databases struct and writing base code for Laravel projects, Angular projects
  • Research and implement third-party services (Google Oauth2, Twitter API, LINE, Google Firebase, AWS SDK, Stripe, VNPay, and more)
  • Develop RESTful API using Laravel framework
  • Building staging & production environments, config webserver such as Apache and Nginx and others services on Linux (most on CentOS) for applications
  • Setup CI/CD for auto review and auto deployment using Jenkins
  • Write performance test using ApacheBenchmark or K6
  • Develop multi-tenant platform using `Tenancy for Laravel`
  • Sharding database using NestJS and MySQL
  • Training PHP, Laravel, Angular for intern and Basic HTML, CSS for IT Comtor
Personal Projects

MyManga (Comic sharing platform)

  • Backend using Laravel
  • Pusher for realtime notification & chat
  • Firebase notification
  • Discord bot notification
  • CMS using Angular
  • Frontend using Laravel Blade & Bootstrap

MyManga v2 (Comic sharing platform)

  • Backend using Laravel
  • CMS using Angular & Ant design for Angular
  • Frontend using Laravel Blade & Tailwind & Alpine.js

HakoReader (Simple novel reader)

  • Designed for android based e-ink devices
  • Using Nativescript with Angular

Programming & Languages

PHP Javascript TypeScript Html CSS SQL Nodejs C#

Libraries & Frameworks

Laravel/Lumen Nest.js Express NativeScript Angular Bootstrap Tailwind

Test Runners & Libraries

Puppeteer k6

Tools & Services & Database

Git/Bash/Shells CI/CD Gitlab AWS Docker Firebase Jenkins Postman

Related Skills

Agile (Scrum) English Japanese Linux System

Kon Tum High School

Kon Tum City, Vietnam

2011 - 2014

University of Information Technology

Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

2014 - 2018